I'm delighted to announce that lesson nine of my course 'Introduction to Azure networking' is now available. In this lesson, you'll learn:
Part one:
Create a resource group, to represent a fictitious data centre, to further split our deployment across multiple containers, for better organisation
Create a virtual network, with subnets to provide connectivity for a Virtual Network Gateway, and a virtual machine
Create a Virtual Network Gateway
Create a network interface, and a virtual machine
Part two:
Create local network gateways to represent the hub and spoke network topology created in the previous lesson, and the fictitious data centre virtual network created in part one of this lesson
Create site to site connections to configure the VPN between the hub gateway and the data centre gateway
Verify connectivity between virtual machines across the VPN
Recap on the effective routes and effective security rules of the network interfaces, so we can understand how routing and filtering works for a VPN
You can sign up for this FREE courses here.